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J E K Y L L  &  H Y D E




December 6 | 7pm
December 7 | 7pm
December 8 | 3pm
December 12 | 7pm
December 13 | 7pm
December 14 | 7pm 

Check your conflict form for call times. Typically, it is 2-3 hours before showtime.



Jekyll & Hyde is our competition show!

Head over to the Musical Theatre International (MTI) website to view the show synopsis, roles, and music of Jekyll & Hyde.

show resources

​​All resources are linked below, including tips for a British accentmusic, and more.


Please also check on your class's Canvas page and listen to your teachers and directors for important info! They will have certain resources posted there, and they also give paper handouts in class.


Visit the MTI Jekyll & Hyde page for general information about the show.


Let's get to work! It's gonna be a great show!​​​



  • Ensemble music learned:

    • Facade​

    • Board of Governors

    • Facade Reprise 1

    • Bring on the Men

    • Alive

    • Alive Reprise

    • Murder, Murder

    • Facade Reprise 2

    • Facade Reprise 3​

  • Need to learn:​

    • Dangerous Game



  • Learned:

    • Facade

    • Facade Reprise 1

    • Waltzing during engagement party

    • Murder, Murder 

    • Facade Reprise 2

    • Facade Reprise 3

  • Need to learn:

    • Rest of Bring on the Men



  • Learned:

    • Prologue blocked

    • Board of Governors blocked

    • Before Take Me As I Am blocked

    • Jekyll & Lucy meet blocked

    • Emma in the Lab blocked

    • Lucy visits Jekyll blocked

    • Murder, Murder scenes blocked

    • Hyde visits Lucy blocked



All performers are expected to develop their character, refine their accent, learn solos/duets, etc. on their own time. Our director(s) and peers may not always be able to advise you. 

rehearsal info

Rehearsal Expectations:

  • Dress appropriately. Wear breathable, active clothing for choreo days. Please avoid shorts, jeans, and anything too baggy.​

  • Rehearse in your respective costume pieces.

    • Women: character shoes (rich) or combat boots (poor), petticoats, bustles, skirts, corsets, hats​

    • Men: dress shoes, vests, coats, hats, canes


  • Please come prepared and on time. Know what to expect in rehearsal. If we are running scenes or cleaning music/choreo, please be sure to have it memorized.

  • Do not touch props that aren't yours. Props are costly in both time and expenses. Please do not touch any props or rest on any prop furniture. This ensures they stay in prime condition for the show.

  • If you miss something, catch up ASAP. Don't wait for someone to teach you. Take initiative.

  • Respect who's running rehearsal. This includes our director(s) as well as those in charge of choreography or music.


Rehearsal for Jekyll & Hyde will be held throughout first semester, leading up to the competitions and shows. Dance rehearsals are usually Tue/Thu and blocking Mon/Wed/Fri, but this can vary. Check the spreadsheet linked below to see the specific rehearsal plan. Don't forget: please look out for updates from Grizzle and your peers on the GroupMe.
Jekyll & Hyde was a huge success at both GTC and One Act! Thank you everyone for your hard work! Now it's onto the full version for our Shuler production!

All rehearsal dates and times are provided in the conflict form linked below. However, parts of the schedule have changed, so please see Grizzle's Canvas for updated times. You can also see them in the DPA Calendar accessible through Stack Team App or the DPA website. Make sure to subscribe to this calendar to have these and other important dates added to your personal calendar app!

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